Crafted with Passion,
    Savored with Every Bite.

    Our restaurant is based near Bentleigh the heart of soul foods. Handmade by highly skilled chefs and dressed with beautifully spread sauces, our dish is delightful yet tasty. So next time you’re searching up pasta, pizza, burger etc. restaurants near me and see Al Forno, drop by and try our gorgeous menu dishes.

    Al Forno

    We are CLOSED for today.

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    Grab a copy of our menu here.

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    About Us

    About Us

    Crafted with Passion,
    Savored with Every Bite.

    Our restaurant is based near Bentleigh the heart of soul foods. Handmade by highly skilled chefs and dressed with beautifully spread sauces, our dish is delightful yet tasty. So next time you’re searching up pasta, pizza, burger etc. restaurants near me and see Al Forno, drop by and try our gorgeous menu dishes.